The Organisational Welness Instrument

Neeting Brain Instruments

The Organisational Wellness Instrument ®, developed by Dr. Kobus Neethling, provides you with up-to-date and easy to read measures of the current situation or 'state of play' in your organization – or any part of it.

It is easy to use, easy to administer, quick to complete and very responsive in reporting results. Unlike conventional Organisational climate surveys, which are expensive, time-consuming and rarely current, the Organisational Wellness Instrument produces comprehensive reports within minutes of your employees completing the questionnaire on line.

The Organisational Wellness Instrument ® identifies the critical success factors which have a significant impact on the workplace environment and that supports as well as sustains happiness, creativity and productivity. These are:

  • Trust
  • Learning
  • Gratification
  • Language
  • Ownership
  • Energy
  • Change
  • Interaction
  • Creativity and Innovation
  • Communication

Each of the ten factors is plotted as 'above the line' (positive) or 'below the line' (negative). Above the line factors contribute to the 'wellness' and creative environment. Below the line factors can destroy the organization if left unchecked!

Click Here to Download  Download our 'Take a look into your organisation' leaflet

Client F (Large Mortgage Packager)

Key Account Contact : Kate France

Scenario: Mortgage Packager in the UK with 3 divisions facing a variety of issues which led all the way up to the upper management. Some of these being: Communication barriers between staff and senior management, The different divisions not working in cohesion with each other, differing output/effectiveness of the divisions, Low motivation and morale of personnel and disorganisation with the line management i.e. confusion with the line of authority.

The main issue was the difficulty in instigating the changes and strategic decisions that needed to be made within the business to take it forward. The OWI provided the catalyst and the objective view on the business which assisted the Directors to do this.

Training/coaching solution: Instigated the Organisational Wellness Instrument, Conducted 1:1 interventions with staff and facilitated ‘Wellness’ strategies for the business


  • The company reported £250,000 saved in first 5 months
  • Increase in sales and productivity
  • Company was more streamlined and effective
  • Gave a chance for the staff to have a mouthpiece and in the process made the staff feel more valued
  • Increased morale and motivation
  • Improved operational processes
  • Re-focus for business future development and growth